GTAG vs GTM for GA4

GTAG vs GTM for GA4: Which One is Better for You?

When choosing a Google Analytics installation, one of the most important decisions you need to make is whether to collect data using GTAG or GTM code/snippet. 

GTAG or global tag is the default option for GA4 installation and it is easy to install while offering enhanced capabilities compared to the old UA tag.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) offers even more expanded capabilities:

  • Conditional events, e.g. events that fire on specific URLs or clicks from specific pages.
  • The capture of event parameters, e.g. URLs for clicks or UTM parameters for pageviews.
  • Sending data to multiple data streams, e.g. the same GTM tag can send the data to both UA and GA4, but also to Google Ads, Facebook, etc.

Here is the summary of tag capabilities:

Comparison of tracking capabilities for UA tags, Gtag, and GTM

Ease of Installation

The initial setup of GTM is more complicated, as you would need to create a GTM Account, Container, and Configuration tag for basic functionality. However, once the GTM snippet is installed on your site, you may start creating additional events without having to touch the backend of your website, thus reducing installation effort in the long run.

Once you decide which service will work better for you, you can start installing your GA4 instance.

If you feel like you need help with GTM or GA4 and how to get the most benefit out of them, feel free to contact us for a free consultation. 

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